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St Andrews branch Archive

St. Andrews Branch of The Franco-Scottish Society Programme 2023-24

Meetings are at 7.00pm until 9.00pm in The Auditorium, St. Leonard’s School, The Pends, St. Andrews, Fife. Ky16 9QJ, unless otherwise stated.


TUESDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 2023 Pot d’Accueil et les jeunes nous raccontent…at St Leonards.

Talks and drinks for students and staff of Madras College, St. Andrews & Bell Baxter High School, Cupar. Recipients of The Alex Gray Bequest and The Loches Alliance Funds (St. Andrews Twinning) recount their visits to France. Parents, students, teachers & members are all welcome.

Annual Membership paid to Treasurer of The Franco-Scottish Society. £20 pp Students £10


FRIDAY 6th OCTOBER 2023 in EDINBURGH. “TEA, TALK & TOUR” £25 at 4pm at The Stevenson House, 17 Heriot Row, EH3 6HP (Afternoon tea, talk & tour of former home of Robert Louis Stevenson). Members & guests only. Numbers limited.

To book refer to payment details in body of email.                                                                                     Talk in English by Professor Emma Sutton, University of St. Andrews. Title “Robert Louis Stevenson & music’s role in French Pacific colonial history in late 19th Century.

TUESDAY 17th OCTOBER 2023 in EDINBURGH at 11am for St. Andrews Branch FSS members (others by arrangement with a.emler@hotmail.co.uk). The Auld Alliance Tour of The National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh,

11am.-1pm. Personal guided tour by Odile Hughson, Edinburgh FSS. Members may make their own arrangements for lunch in the Bistrot at the French Consulate by advance booking, if so wished. (Talk in English & French.)


TUESDAY 31st OCTOBER 2023 7pm Principal of St. Leonard’s School, St. Andrews, Mr Simon Brian will talk on “Therese Desqueyroux…Looking into a monster?” (Talk in French & English)


THURSDAY 30th NOVEMBER, 2023 12.30pm. Pre-Christmas lunch for members and friends at The View Restaurant, Wormit. Menu and price TBA. All meals to be booked with a.emler@hotmail.co.uk in advance by Fri 17th Nov. 2023

There is traditionally no lecture or meeting in DECEMBER

TUESDAY 16th JANUARY 2024 7pm Professor John Hudson, School of Medieval History, University of St. Andrews: Medieval French and English law. (Talk in English)

TUESDAY 13th FEBRUARY 2024 7pm (Talk in French) Zachary Brookman, Postgraduate Doctoral student at University of St. Andrews. Department of Modern History. Formerly University of Montreal, Quebec & Mc Gill University, Canada. “Why Scottish Books were published in French in Geneva”

TUESDAY 5th MARCH 2024 7pm (Talk in English) Professor Emeritus Nicholas Wade, Department of Psychology, University of Dundee, Early Stereoscopes. The Franco-Scottish Dimension. (A history of visual science & photography in Scotland & France.)

TUESDAY 16th APRIL 2024 7pm (Talk in French) Professor Emeritus Philip Bennett, University of Edinburgh, Honorary General Secretary of The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland “Charlemagne, l’homme, la legende, le mythe.”

TUESDAY 7th MAY 2024 Annual General Meeting. 7pm St. Leonard’s Church Hall, (Corner of Donaldson Gardens, Hepburn Gardens, St. Andrews. Refreshments available. Members only.

COMMITTEE – Office Bearers

Honorary President and Chairman: Mrs Angie Emler
Honorary Vice-President and Chairman: Mrs. Elizabeth Slack
Hon. Secretary: Mr John Vaughan
Committee liaison and email: Mr John Vaughan

Other Committee Members:
Mr Alexander Bolland Q.C.
Ms Pauline Galloway
Ms Hannah Reid
Dr. Clive Sneddon
Mr George Taylor
Mlle. Julie Curtet

If you would like to become a member or just want to ask a question, please email the St Andrews Branch