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St Andrews Branch

The Franco-Scottish Society of Scotland, St. Andrews Branch Programme 2024-25.

FSS celebrates its 130th Anniversary year.

Meetings are usually from 7.00pm -9pm in The Auditorium, St. Leonard’s School, The Pends.

You can download a printable programme here.

Tuesday 17th September 2024: 7pm. Lord Brodie, Outgoing President of FSS Scotland will join branch members and their guests to hear experiences of and encourage French language student recipients of Gray Bequest Funds at event: “Les jeunes nous raccontent…” Crémant de Bordeaux and canapes will be served. All new members welcome.

Monday 21st October 2024:7pm (Note day and date) Venue: Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews. Projet Amitié :French Orchestra “Les Piques du Rivet.” 12 violin cellists from Bordeaux will tour all Franco-Scottish Branches giving concerts of French and Scottish music. (Un melange de musique contemporaine et classique.) They look forward to meeting FSS members and other people from the community for an evening of music and social engagement.

Tuesday 12th November 2024. Dr. Marika Knowles, Senior lecturer in Art History, University of St. Andrews, “French masterpieces in Scottish collections, Degas, Watteau, Callot and the brothers Nain. (Talk in English.)

Tuesday 3rd December 2024. 12 noon: FSS Pre-Christmas lunch. “The Bothy Restaurant,” Church Square, St. Andrews. (Next to Library.) Current deals £21 for 2 courses, £26 for 3 courses. Menu TBA.

Tuesday 21st January 2025 7pm. Professor Emeritus Nicholas Wade, Dept of Psychology, University of Dundee: Franco-Scottish Stereoscopic controversies (Part ii) An interactive talk. (See current book “Vision and Art with Two Eyes.” Pub. Springer 2023 on Vision, illusion and perception. (Talk in English)

Tuesday 11th February 2025 7pm Professor Emerita Lorna Milne, Past Dean, Proctor, Master and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of St. Andrews. Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh: “French Caribbean Writers.” (talk in French and English)

Tuesday 11th March 2025 7pm Professor Linda Goddard, Professor of Art History, University of St. Andrews. “Writings of Women artists and autobiography in France. (Talk in English)

Tuesday 29th April 2025 7pm Professor Julia Prest: Professor of French, School of Modern Languages, University of St. Andrews. “Le Théâtre Public à Saint-Domingue (l’actuelle Haiti)”

Tuesday 6th May 2025 7pm St. Leonard’s Church Hall, Hepburn Gardens, (Corner Donaldson Gardens), St. Andrews. St. Andrews Branch FSS Annual General Meeting.


Membership covers all the activities of the FSSS plus a copy of the annual Bulletin.
Ordinary Membership: £20
Student Membership (25 years and under) Free
Others are very welcome to attend any talk on payment of £5.

Office Bearers 2024-2025

Chair Clive Sneddon
Vice Chair Angie Emler
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Hannah Reid

Committee Members 2024-2025
Virginia Fowler, Pauline Galloway, Lorna Milne, Christina Steele, and Andrew Williams

Honorary President: Elizabeth Slack

email fss.standrews@gmail.com

You can access last year’s programme here.