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Accents for Keyboards

Accents may be obtained by toggling Num Lock to ON.
The key for NUM LOCK is usually over on the right
of your keyboard in the block of numerics.
When it is ON a green light often appears.

Then hold down the key marked ALT and type in the number
of the required character from the list below,
using the numeric keypad
(that block of numbers on the right of the keyboard).

The euro € is 0128 open up Notepad.exe or WORD and try typing it now.


à – 133

â – 131

ç – 135

Ç – 128

é – 130

è – 138

ê – 136

ë – 137

É – 144

î – 140

ï – 139

ô – 147

ù – 151

û – 150

œ – 0156


« – 174

» – 175